Envision completely transforming your property into a landscape that exudes elegance and charm.
See your property with fewer trees, and more space, and imagine what you could do with that space.
If you’ve wondered about the benefits of tree removal or what you could do with your property once the trees are gone, you’re in the right place.
In this article, we’ll answer your questions and share creative ideas based on our customers’ preferences
Tree Removal Will Improve Your Curb Appeal

When we look into how removing a tree will affect the way others look at your property, we see a big shift in the curb appeal.
The tree removal will transform your property in a way that it will stand out from the rest of the block, especially right after the service has been completed.
This is because the human brain is great at “capturing” patterns. It will remember its environment even when you don’t and it will see big changes like a bigger space even if you don’t realize why the “change” caught your attention.
Cutting one tree, as long as it’s the right one, will change the way you, your friends, and your neighbors look at your property.
Still, the question remains…
How do you pick the right tree to remove? How do you know which tree to keep? What should you look for in your trees to spot any dangers on your property?
We’ll get to those questions in a different blog, and once it's ready to be published we’ll leave a link here.
For now, let's talk about what tree removal will do for you.
Removing Trees Will Free Up Space in Your Property

When it comes to the benefits of removing certain trees, a lot of customers enjoy the way their yard looks. Especially the new available space.
Now, the best part about the space is not the space itself but what you can do with all that unutilized space.
So before you decide which tree company you will hire to complete your project, ask yourself:
“What can I do with the extra space?”
“Do I have the budget to start a second project if need be?”
The goal is to decide what you will utilize the space for and do so once the service has been completed.
You may be asking yourself if you HAVE to do something extra to your property after the tree removal.
The simple answer is not really.
The longer answer is that all about how you want your property to look.
If you want your house to stand out in your block, then you should. If you don’t mind how it looks after the removal then you don’t have to.
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Removing Trees Will Shift People's Focus To Your Home's Landscape

With the right trees gone and a more spacious lawn, the focus will be on something other than the trees around your house. It will shift to your home's landscape.
For some, this might be a dream come true. For others, this might become a challenge.
It all depends.
If you have been the type of homeowner that takes care of their property then removing your trees will enhance the look of your property from the start.
If you have never bothered to make sure you have a clean and sharp lawn, then there are some improvements you can make before you can enjoy those spoils.
There is still hope for you…
…the work just has to be done; Whether that’s by you, or by a professional landscaper.
Now that you know how tree removal will improve your property, let’s change topics and explore 3 different project ideas you can apply after a tree removal to ensure your property becomes the highlight of your block.
Plant New Trees

One of the easiest and most budget-friendly projects a lot of our customers start after removing a tree or a stump is that they plant new trees.
Ironic, no?
Not only is this cost-effective, but it also seems to have a positive impact on how much attention homes get. We wanted to find out why that was and we came to two conclusions.
The first is that we love small stuff.
Think about it like this: We find babies cuter than adults, we find kittens cuter than cats, and we find puppies cuter than dogs.
Each one is the same, the only difference is the size and age.
Planting small trees in the front of your property will attract attention more than usual because the tree is a “baby.”
It is new, and assuming the outside of your property is clean, the trees will be an additional attention-catcher for your property.
Now, all of a sudden your home looks newer, fresher, and better cared for than the average American home.
Make a Patio with a Fire Pit

This is the second most popular project our customers like to start with after they have had large trees removed.
But there’s a catch…
…you either have to have a closed-off front yard if you desire privacy, or the tree removal has to take place in the backyard.
In either case, the patio and pit will not be visible. It’s something your close friends and relatives will cherish and create memories, but it will not be as visible as the other two projects.
If you decide to take this route, the best thing about it is that you don’t have to get any wood!
You can keep a good chunk from the tree that was removed and use that wood to burn for the years to come.
Watch out for cherry wood…
…the scent it gives off has an earthy aroma combined with a hint of sweetness.
You can use it to make barbecues, have a family night, hang out with relatives and friends, and many other things.
Use your imagination and this project will be more than worth it.
Make a Wooden Sculpture From a Tree Trunk

You’ve probably driven or walked by a house that had a wooden animal in the front. It may have been a dog, a bear, or even a person.
This, in my opinion, is something special.
Not only because of how infrequently people do it, but also because of the amount of patience, talent, and concentration this takes to get done well.
Look for sculptors in your area, their fees, and provide them with the details of the project.
Tell the tree company you work with to leave a twelve-foot stump on a tree in front of your property and get started with the sculptor as soon as possible.
If you wait years, the stump will only become weaker and end up rotting which will make the sculpture less appealing.
Once the sculpture is done, put some flowers around it, or some other decoration to add to the already unique centerpiece.
Now that we've covered the benefits of tree removal and provided you with ideas
Our key recommendation is that you ask the tree company you hire to help you decide which trees need to go after you explain to them what you want to do with your property.
Remember, tree removal does not always have to be about removing dangers away from your home, though it is great for that.
Tree removal also be used to improve the look of your landscape and to start other projects that will not only make it more enjoyable to walk by your house but also more enjoyable to spend time there.
If you finished reading this with the impression that tree removal is the only thing that will enhance the look of your property, you had a different understanding.
Tree removal is important if you want to add more space, bring more emphasis to your property, or if you want to start other projects.
If these don’t matter to you, you can take the trimming route.
It’s a much more affordable service than removing a tree, and hiring the right company with the right knowledge will help your trees become more vibrant, resilient, and robust.
If you want to learn more about tree trimming, do so by clicking the link attached.
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